
DCM at 6th Annual Corrosion Management Summit

Event News

Dow Coating Materials (DCM) joined end users from around the region at the 6th Annual Corrosion Management Summit MENA in discussions on current corrosion prevention, treatment challenges and opportunities facing the industry.

As part of the pre- summit workshop and technical paper presentation, DCM showcased "Solutions for high performance fusion bonded epoxy coatings for corrosion protection of pipelines," which highlighted solutions from DCM and their applications.

Attendees were also invited to discuss current needs for industrial coatings with higher performance requirements.

Led by Fabio Aguirre, DCM's global application development leader for Binders for Anticorrosion Coatings, the workshop was attended by 10 guests who were particularly interested in learning more about the technologies and the essential need for effective coatings.

Aguirre provided his technical opinion on the suitable use of Fusion Bonded Epoxy (FBE) coatings meant for high service temperatures, low application temperatures, damage tolerance and enhanced adhesion.

He also gave a presentation on the first day of the summit, on "Modeling of FBE Coatings for Standard and Low Application Temperature"

The 6th Annual Corrosion Management Summit MENA was an ideal platform for stakeholders to address topical issues and attend workshops that dealt with increasing the life-cycle of business assets and corrosion prevention.