
Dana Gas sponsors MEPEX

Event News

Dana Gas is participating and sponsoring the 2nd Middle East Prospect Exhibition (MEPEX) which runs parallelly with the Middle East Oil Show & Conference (MEOS) in Bahrain.

Following its successful inauguration last year, which Dana Gas has also sponsored, MEPEX brings together E&P companies and energy capital under one roof, creating a pure marketplace to establish strategic alliances for initiating and doing business deals.

In his opening speech at MEPEX, Dana Gas CEO, Ahmed Al Arbeed emphasized the importance of better resources management that leads to more prosperity.

Al Arbeed said: "Industry estimates show gas demand in the Middle East has been rising by about seven per cent per year, outpacing the growth in regional gas production. Moreover, while the region sits on roughly half of the world's proved reserves of gas, it only provides 19 per cent of the global gas supply."

MEPEX serves as a pure market place to establish strategic alliances for initiating and doing business deals, and the event brings together some of the most influential players, government representatives, senior executives, industry figures, as well as regional and international investors that are active in the E&P business.