
Basra Oil & Gas 2011 to be audited by BPA

Event News

The 2nd Basra International Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition will be audited by BPA Worldwide in order to apply for UPI Approval for the third edition of the event. It is the first time in Iraq that an event will be audited.

The event with its exhibition and conference themed "IRAQ ON TRACK IN CONTRIBUTING TO FUTURE WORLD ENERGY SUPPLY", will enable the Geoscientists and Engineers from the Oil and Gas Industry, Service and Manufacturing Companies, Finance, Universities and R&D institutions, to share their expertise, exchange ideas and experiences, update their knowledge and skills and discuss the latest progress and challenges facing the Petroleum Industry as well as, of course, networking and relational development.

"We are pleased to announce that this event is intended to obtain UFI approval for the third edition, therefore, Basra Oil & Gas 2011 will be audited by BPA Worldwide, the global not for profit media auditor, to obtain part of the requirement for UFI membership" explains Corporate Communications Manager Fusun Tavus Sonmez.

"We are pleased that the Basra International Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition has applied for membership in BPA Worldwide and are excited that this will be the first exhibition to be audited to a global standard in Iraq" said BPA president and CEO Glenn Hansen.

"With a BPA audit, sponsors and exhibitors can be confident that audience claims are accurate, and that they have the verified data that they need to assess an event's effectiveness in serving its market."