
ADNOC to actively participate in WFES 2012

Event News

Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) and its Group of Companies are participating, as an associate sponsor, in the World Future Energy Summit 2012 (WFES).

Sustainable development as top priority

The companies look forward to an active presence at WFES that will be meeting for the fifth consecutive year in Abu Dhabi. ADNOC has been putting sustainable development on its top priority as a driving force toward improving life and economic stability for future generations.

This has been conducted through commitment in practicing their commercial activities with a high responsibility – taking into consideration society's current need for energy.


Providing clean energy

ADNOC adopts various initiatives in this regard and exerts maximum efforts toward the consolidation of sustainable development and the availability of sustainable energy.

ADNOC will be looking to achieve a dynamically active participation at the summit. At WFES 2012, the company aims to shed the light upon the initiatives that its group has launched in providing clean energy.

Reduction of emissions

This has been demonstrated through the reduction of Carbon-di-oxide emissions in gas flaring, mechanisms, and means of preserving energy, the usage of natural gas and utilizing it as an alternative fuel for vehicles, and industrial projects.

WFES 2012 is expected to receive attendance exceeding 26,000 people, comprising of 3000 representatives from energy companies and 650 exhibitors from 140 countries including 20 pavilions from the UAE.