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ADNOC gears up for OTC

Event News

ADNOC and its group of companies are gearing up to take part in the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC 2012).

The group’s participation in this major global event is part of their efforts to keep abreast with the current trends in the oil and gas industry. It is also an opportunity for the Group to share their expertise in the oil and gas industry with others and benefit from the latest technologies that contribute significantly in the development of gas and petrochemical industries in Abu Dhabi.

In order to maintain their production steadily and achieve their targets, ADNOC endeavor to follow all technological innovations to continue their productivity standards.

To achieve this mission, ADNOC and its group of companies have introduced improved Enhanced Oil Recovery techniques and built artificial islands to boost our production capacity from 2.8 million bbl/day of oil with condensates now to 3.8 million bbl/day by 2020. There will be future needs in the three primary areas of EOR, sour gas development and minimising environmental footprints. Early adoption of technology will be necessary to ensure sustainable production. 

Being a cleaner production advocate, ADNOC has applied a number of HSE Guidelines on its oil and gas operation since early 1990’s.  It is already taking regional initiatives in techniques like nitrogen substitution and CO2 EOR.

Being committed to continue to play an important role in the global oil market, ADNOC and its group of companies endeavor to utilise all available technologies to enhance our oil production capacity and at the same time deploy best reservoir management schemes to ensure and safeguard controlled depletion of the oil reserves. Along with their renowned international partners, the Group will seek to acquire and deploy state-of-the-art and proven technologies to meet our long term objectives.

ADNOC has 15 subsidiary companies working in the various fields of the oil, gas, and petrochemical industry as well as crude oil and gas transport and services. They include ADCO, ADMA-OPCO, GASCO, ADGAS, ZADCO, TAKREER, NDC, ESNAAD, IRSHAD, FERTIL, BOROUGE, ADNATCO-NGSCO, ADNOC Distribution, Elixier and Al Hosn Gas.